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52. Murakami, H., K. Sasaoka, K. Hosoda, H. Fukushima, M. Toratani, R.
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54. Lluch-Cota, S. E, E. A. Aragón-Noriega, F. Arreguín-Sánchez, D.
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H. Herrera-Cervantes, M. Kahru, M. Lavín, D. Lluch-Belda, D. B.
Lluch-Cota, J. López-Martínez, S. G. Marinone, M. O. Nevárez-Martínez,
S. Ortega-García, E. Palacios-Castro, A. Parés-Sierra, G. Ponce-Díaz, M,
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Kahru, M., B. G. Mitchell, S. T. Gille, C. D. Hewes, and O. Holm-Hansen,
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56. Kahru, M., O. P. Savchuk, and R. Elmgren (2007), Satellite measurements of
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57. Kahru, M., P. C. Fiedler, S. T. Gille,
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58. Hewes, C.D, C.S. Reiss, M. Kahru, B.G. Mitchell, and O. Holm-Hansen,
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59. Smith, Jr., K. L., H. A. Ruhl, R. S. Kaufmann, and M. Kahru, Tracing
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60. Manzano-Sarabia, M., C.A. Salinas-Zavala, M. Kahru, S.E. Lluch-Cota,
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